Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Beach Bum Betty

Betty was with our group last year here in Bucerias but she stayed in a condo about 2 blocks away.  (This year, she is in the apartment below us.  Today was a full day for Betty.)

Betty went with Kathy and Bill and MaryLynne and Steve to Costco downtown Puerto Vallarta.
(Betty has the membership card.)

Betty fell in her apartment last night while traveling from her bedroom to her bathroom in the dark.
(She banged her arm, wrist, and head.)

Betty went to the beach this afternoon with Sue and Robert.
(The water was calm and warm and the air was clear.  After 3 days of rain, it should be.  She saw large fish very close to shore, trying to return to deeper water.  The frigate birds were having a feast.  She also saw a woman with a pet butterfly.)

Betty went to the treehouse on the roof for supper with Rob and Sue.
(She had fish, chicken, sweet potatoes (camote), spinach and fresh salad,  with Sue's very expensive Balsamic vinegar dressing.)

Betty enjoyed the full moon and the fireworks from our palapa.
(She went home early to mend her wounds and try and get her ancient tv to work with the old coaxl cable.)

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