Our adventure began at 7 a.m. on a street corner in Bucerias. 
Robert and Sue waited patiently for Luis Morales, the biologist and bird expert from San Pancho, to pick them up. Luis, first had to stop in Sayulita, a small surfing town up the road from Bucerias, to pick up 4 American "hard core" birders. The goal for the day was to travel into the Sierra Madre mountains to San Sebastián del Oeste, which is a very old mining town (1605) and municipality, located in the western part of Jalisco state, Mexico - that is about 2 hours from the Fox's tree house by the ocean. We were all looking for as many bird species as we could see in one day. San Sebastian, a small mountain gold and silver town with a population of 600, has many beautiful birds to photograph, but Susan and Robert especially wanted to find the "green jay" and the "white-eared hummingbird".

Robert and Sue waited patiently for Luis Morales, the biologist and bird expert from San Pancho, to pick them up. Luis, first had to stop in Sayulita, a small surfing town up the road from Bucerias, to pick up 4 American "hard core" birders. The goal for the day was to travel into the Sierra Madre mountains to San Sebastián del Oeste, which is a very old mining town (1605) and municipality, located in the western part of Jalisco state, Mexico - that is about 2 hours from the Fox's tree house by the ocean. We were all looking for as many bird species as we could see in one day. San Sebastian, a small mountain gold and silver town with a population of 600, has many beautiful birds to photograph, but Susan and Robert especially wanted to find the "green jay" and the "white-eared hummingbird".
First Prize
The Green Jay is on the list of the top 10 most sought after birds to photograph or see.
Second Prize
The White-eared Hummingbird sips nectar through punctures made by insects, in the base of flowers.
Third Prize
The Long-tailed Wood Partridge is protected by Mexican law. The main threat is habitat loss by deforestation.
A list of the birds seen by our group today was ...
Black Vulture
Turkey Vulture
Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon)
Inca Dove
Common Ground-Dove
White-winged Dove
Squirrel Cuckoo
Groove-billed Ani
Bumblebee Hummingbird
Cinnamon Hummingbird
White-eared Hummingbird
hummingbird sp.
Mountain Trogon
Acorn Woodpecker
Golden-cheeked Woodpecker
Lilac-crowned Parrot
Orange-fronted Parakeet
White-striped Woodcreeper
Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet
Tufted Flycatcher
Greater Pewee
Vermilion Flycatcher
Bright-rumped Attila
Dusky-capped Flycatcher
Great Kiskadee
Social Flycatcher
Thick-billed Kingbird
Masked Tityra
Hutton's Vireo
Warbling Vireo
Green Jay
Common Raven
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Happy Wren
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Eastern Bluebird
Brown-backed Solitaire
Aztec Thrush
Gray Silky-flycatcher
Nashville Warbler
MacGillivray's Warbler
Townsend's Warbler
Hermit Warbler
Rufous-capped Warbler
Wilson's Warbler
Red-faced Warbler
Painted Redstart
Slate-throated Redstart
White-collared Seedeater
Grayish Saltator
Stripe-headed Sparrow
Summer Tanager
Red-headed Tanager
Blue Grosbeak
Varied Bunting
Great-tailed Grackle
Streak-backed Oriole
Bullock's Oriole
Yellow-winged Cacique
Scrub Euphonia
Black-headed Siskin
Sue and Rob learned lots about Mexican birds today, but what they found most fascinating was the people who study them. Luis, Rick, Karen, Felice and Chris are those people. They travel the world just to see, and possibly photograph birds. They keep a meticulous checklist of the birds they have seen (Karen), and discuss all the bird details. They've taken numerous ornithology courses, and have all the necessary tools, such as "great" binoculars! These birders can not only identify each bird by it's own unique call, they can also imitate the bird calls perfectly themselves. They can identify thousands of bird species by colour, size, shape, habitat and behaviour without referring to a resource.
Listen closely ... http://youtu.be/KOe0br4w45Y
Please check out Luis Morales' website (www.birdingsanpancho.com), to become "bird smart", and share it with your friends.
Photo of the Week
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