Sunday, March 22, 2015

Big Birds in our Parota Tree

We know when it is time for the sunset because the Yellow Crowned Night Herons squawk upon arrival to our giant parrot tree next to our rooftop penthouse.  We live outdoors so we hear and see everything.  This year, the herons didn't arrive until about a week ago.  They sit in the tree usually apart all day and might change branches a bit.  Just as the sun sets, they squawk again, and fly off to eat and we don't see them again until morning.

Check this link for the Yellow Crowned Night Heron doing his thing in the giant parrot tree next to our penthouse.

crab eater
feeds at night
influenced by tides
both parents feed young
nests in isolated pairs or small groups
nests high up along coasts
black blue grey yellow white
disproportional body

loud caller ...
scaup - high pitch squawk (contact)
squawk - aggressive defense
ahhhh - guttural aggressive
whoop - high pitch used when stretching
yup - use when pairs greet
huh - pairs are courting
chu and chee - begging

This is the female and she is in charge!

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