Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Just one of those days

Winding down after a hot afternoon at a beautiful beach.

One woman tries to show Robert just how the Mexicans do it.

This woman got stuck and Robert left her that way.  I think she's still there.

This little kid can't find his stick.

Sue and Linda are eating beet soup for lunch just prior to heading off to Destiladeras Beach.

This lady got her thumb stuck in her mouthful of banana cream donut.

This woman just arrived in Mexico 2 days ago and hasn't stopped eating yet.  She wears undercover glasses.  I think she was once an Olympian.  Maybe it was in the "eating donut" event.

The bus ride to Destiladeras Beach was bumpy and way to wild and fast as usual.  The group was lucky to arrive alive.  Thank heavens for Bill's perfect van driving on the return trip.  He even provided air conditioning.  The surf was too high for all but the bravest swimmers, but Little Jack and his sidekick Robert had loads of fun in their pretend world of fishing poles,  pirate ships, castles, rock sculptures and kung fu fighting sticks.  At one point, they even met a 3 year old Mexican girl playing in the sand with no guardian in sight.  She eventually disappeared.  Maybe she got washed away in the undertow.  

These 3 haven't even started on the wine yet.

Here's that lady again buying a "shit load" of donuts.

The lady in the baseball hat is teaching the young lad how to eat a donut.  Notice her mouth.

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