Monday, March 23, 2015

Preparing to Come Home

This yellow warbler probably flew from the eastern side of North America across the Gulf of Mexico without stopping.   There are many different kinds of warblers but this one spends the winter in this warm paradise of Bucerias.  We wanted to pack our clothes and sweep our floors, but this little yellow bird with the chestnut strips on his chest, was captivating.  Susan and Robert stared at him for hours.  He sat on a thin branch in their parota tree for a very long time.  It was a great meditative experience.  He was probably waiting for a bug to fly by since that is his favourite food.

Robert and Sue rescued this bush cat from the Bruce Peninsula just before they left for Mexico in January.  Dave is back in Canada looking after the "ranch" and Exene, the cat.  She looks very comfy on those warm hardwood floors.  She even has a white friend.  Exxon has adapted well to life in Cambridge Ontario Canada.  She loves to eat birds, especially warblers.

It looks like there is a male and a female down there on that deck, but what the heck are they doing?  What are they looking at and pointing to?

I think I know.  I have been watching them for hours.

I came with those two, and they are strange.  They are always taking pictures and making movies of something.

I have been watching them too.  I wish they would keep the noise down.  My wife is trying to have a baby.

My whole family is here to see what's up.  I hope they feed us.

I might be a little late but I am coming.  One of those speeding buses from Mega just ran over me.

Wow!  I am glad I made it on time.  Look what that lady has in her hand!!!

Ellen taught me how to knit a wash cloth and I am so proud.  Everyone here in Mexico thinks they can make art so now I am one of them.

This video will go viral for sure!  Share it with everyone on the planet please.

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